Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

*woosh, woosh* Heartbeat

Our little Squishy,

We heard your heartbeat yesterday. It was the most thrilling thing ever. I never thought that a simple sound could bring such joy to me, but it did. I felt so connected with you for those few moments of hearing your heart beat strong and healthy.

I realize that I kind of suck at this keeping up with a blog thing, but at the same time, I have been scared to post and to get excited about my baby because I didn't have comformation beyond a few sticks with lines. I didn't get an ultrasound. Yesterday at 13 weeks 3 days was the first time that I knew for sure there was a living baby in my uterus, and I am now estatic.

We ordered a home doppler tonight, so that we can hear the heartbeat more and share it with friends and family. I am finally getting a *little* bump so I plan to start taking weekly belly shots this Saturday at 14 weeks.

I haven't gained any weight still, and have actually lost between 4 and 7 pounds depending on what scale I am on.

We had an ER visit this past weekend for what all symptoms say was a kidney stone, which wasn't fun.

So now, in my excited state I am going to start researching different baby products and start a list of things we need and things we want.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do darker tests mean I am more pregnant?

I kid, I kid.

 But instead of posting more pictures of the 7 or so other tests that I took, I'll just be statisfied in the fact that they all got darker, except the digital that cut to the chase and said "Pregnant." I have a prescription from my regular doctor that says I am indeed pregnant, with an estimated due date of 2/14/2010.

They think a Valentine’s Day baby. Fertility Friend says 2/17/2010. Either way a February baby is on the way. I am officially a “Love Bump” according to the February girls on The Bump.

I’ll take it. I am pregnant. That is more than enough for me.

We have only told 4 people. We are waiting a few more weeks to let the cat out of the bag. I have read the stories of early miscarriages, of late miscarriages, of women who were so excited to share the news, only to turn around 3 days later and share the heartache.

I know there is no way of knowing whether I am going to be one of those women, or one of the ones with a completely “normal” pregnancy.  I just really don’t want to take the risk.

We have our first appointment scheduled with a midwife. We have decided to go to Bar Harbor to give birth. It is the closest family centered hospital, with the lowest c-section rate. The appointment is July 15th; I will be approximately 9 weeks along.

It is very possible that we will have already shared the news by that point. We are too excited to keep it to ourselves much longer.

And now, for pointless information:

How far along? 4 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds
Maternity Clothes? God, I hope not for a while.
Stretch marks?  No
Sleep:  Just starting to want more. I am tired all the time and actually took a nap yesterday.
Best moment this week: Having the Doctor tell me I am pregnant.
Movement: None yet, at least night from my uterus.
Food cravings:  No cravings, but an aversion to yogurt is in the works.
Gender:  Chinese Gender Chart says Girl.
Labor Signs:  None
Belly Button in or out?  In
What I miss:  Nothing yet.
What I am looking forward to:  My first appointment, telling people we are pregnant, and staying pregnant.
Weekly Wisdom:  Relax and Enjoy it.
Milestones:  A BFP!

A weekly not-so-wisdom was my Grandmother telling me that I should wait until after I am married to get pregnant because we should enjoy being married before we have a baby. She told me that my brother did it the right way because he was married for a few months before he got his new wife pregnant.  My comeback was “Even if I am pregnant now we will be married for a few months before I give birth” Of course she didn’t know I am pregnant now, and I am sure (or at least hope) that she will feel bad when I  tell her.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Proceeding with Caution

And so it begins. The watching and waiting of early pregnancy. Watching for all of the horrible things that can indicate a miscarriage, waiting for more signs of pregnancy, the time to tell other people, the first appointment, and all of the fun things that go along with being pregnant. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Finally done going to Machias every week.

Finally at home full time.

Finally have a part time job.

Finally can start to focus on creating a family.

And yet I still have to finish planning my wedding.

And finish my bathroom.

Apparently things have just begun.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The sun will shine again.

We decided that we wanted to try to conceive this past month, as soon as a stopped taking my birth control pills. The cycle was a bust, but I decided this afternoon that I really am okay with it. I would have ecstatic to be pregnant so soon, but I know that I will get pregnant when I am supposed to be. We will be moving on to a 2010 baby, which will be fun. It will be hard to forget how old our child is, and it will give us a little more time to get ready.

Ben is excited to be a daddy soon, he has been asking questions, and has expressed interest in reading books about pregnancy. He has even bought a few things for the baby all on his own. I think he finally has realized that you can’t put off having children forever, and is finally okay with the fact that there is never a time when you are 100% ready to have a child, there will almost always be things that make you worry.

I am doing everything that I can to prepare for pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child. I have almost completely stopped drinking soda. I drink between 6 and 10 servings of water a day, and am eating fairly healthy. I am researching a lot of things that I have had concerns about, and learning a lot of new things.

Today is CD1 of cycle 2, and I am confident that things will happen when they are meant to happen.


In other news, my wedding dress has been ordered, my reception venue booked, my ceremony site booked, the wedding rings ordered, dj booked, photographer mostly booked, food taken care of, and the invitations ready to be printed.

I still need to get center pieces, print, assemble, and address the invites, get shoes for the bridal party, finalize things with the photographer, get accessories, grooms suit, cake, cake topper, flowers, etc. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One Crisis at a Time, thanks.

I don't know how this is going to go. I've lived "on my own" for almost 2 years. I lived with my Aunt for a year before that.
Now my dad is going to be moving in. It's the best thing for all parties, but it is still going to be a change. 
We just got done talking about how the house isn't big enough for the two of us and three cats, so now we are going to add another adult, and another cat. Then hopefully a baby next year. 
Granted, we started talking about the baby thing before we found out my dad is moving in. Yes, we could wait, but the Inseminator isn't getting any younger (he is 30, has a heart condition that means surgery in 10 years). 
The bright side is, we can put a bedroom in the attic. My father will have his own space. And we will have a nursery. 
But, we will have to buy or build a house in the next 3-ish years. 
Guess life can get in the way of all plans, but luckily we have wiggle room.